The new show on MTV GOT TO GO!!!! “I Used to be Fat” is the new of a new MTV reality show… but really, what is the point of the show? In my personal opinion, it is to make people feel even worse about themselves. Let me start off with, how about “I Used to be Skinny.” Now that’s more realistic. Can’t skinny be a bad thing too? Oh, right, I forgot, we can’t deal with anorexia or bulimia (it’s too touchy). I forgot that being fat is just a sin, too. What happened to the happiness or healthiness of a person rather than how “hot” or “sexy” they look. I understand the whole “self confidence” idea of losing weight, but honesty, do people really think that EVERY fat person in America is that unhappy with their lives just because of their weight!? Well, they don’t. So get over your stereotypical interpretations of how overweight (proper way of stating “fat,” way to go MTV- always making us feel good about ourselves) people really think of themselves. I know, I’m not skinny myself, but do I consider myself “fat?” NO. “Fat” is a term used to brainwash girls and boys that having a nice ass or a few roles here and there is not beautiful. Well, if that is the case, what is beauty? Fat can turn into a whole other topic just by the way people make it seem. So, what is fat? In order to answer that, someone better tell me the true definition of beauty then because I’m getting a little confused myself here. Let’s be real… the MTV show is a joke! They state in their logo, “give us your last summer before college and we’ll make you beautiful and skinny.” What, now skinny and beauty correlate? WAY TO GO AMERICA AND YOUR STEREOTYPICAL WAYS. Is this what we want for the future generation of America? Stereotypes?! I thought that’s what we wanted to avoid for this generation. So, once again, thank you MTV. And all that you do for us teenagers here in the good ole USA. Oh, P.S. ever hear of the “freshman fifteen,” yeah, it might be the “freshman thirty” now. Let’s look at it this way, unless you send one hell of a sappy letter to the producers of MTV, it’s not that easy to get a free trainer around here. What the hell comes free? Are we all supposed to be influenced by this show? And who is supposed to be its general audience? Oh, fat people… right… who technically is fat? Free hour of fame… free trainer… free makeover… free shopping spree… sounds like the life right? Where’s the real reality in this show then? Wake up MTV, bring back music videos, stop trying to make every fat person seem like the damn devil.